Dave's Blog

My timeline on Mastodon

DRM is to publishing as science was to Stalinism

2012 Jan 30, 9:11

I hadn’t heard of “Social DRM” (described in this article). Sounds like my blackmail DRM idea.

PermalinkCommentsdrm publishing

(via Stereogranimator: transform historical stereographs from...

2012 Jan 30, 8:47

(via Stereogranimator: transform historical stereographs from NYPL archives into animated gifs and 3d images)

PermalinkCommentshistory photo 3d

"Forwarded HTTP Extension" - Andreas Petersson, Martin Nilsson

2012 Jan 27, 9:41PermalinkCommentstechnical http http-header proxy ietf standard

"Unified User-Agent String (UUAS)" - Mateusz Karcz

2012 Jan 27, 7:29

IETF draft on the contents of the User Agent HTTP header.

PermalinkCommentstechnical ietf http user-agent http-header

The Walking Dead Alternate Intro (by tlunsford)

2012 Jan 27, 2:56

The Walking Dead Alternate Intro (by tlunsford)

PermalinkCommentshumor video walking-dead zombie tv

(via Celebrity Sleepovers, Comedian Crashes at Celebrity Homes)

2012 Jan 26, 4:57

(via Celebrity Sleepovers, Comedian Crashes at Celebrity Homes)

PermalinkCommentshumor la celebrity video

Crushable has the video from the Cinefamily Pete and Pete...

2012 Jan 26, 12:03

Crushable has the video from the Cinefamily Pete and Pete tribute and panel. Also, AV Club is now inspired to have a Pete and Pete cast and crew reunion.


This game was made entirely in css (no javascript) (jsrun.it)

2012 Jan 24, 1:47

Very impressive HTML, CSS, and no javascript game.  See the HN comments for how it is done.

PermalinkCommentstechnical css html game css3 js javascript

Django Reinhardt-01-10 : Django Reinhardt : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

2012 Jan 22, 4:40

This is Django Reinhardt’s Gypsy swing from the 30s and 40s on archive.org and it is all in the public domain. I didn’t know the term for the genre so it took me a while to find this.

PermalinkCommentsmusic public-domain django-reinhardt jazz gypsy-jazz

(via Where Can You Watch More Retro Game Master? [Video])

2012 Jan 18, 4:29

(via Where Can You Watch More Retro Game Master? [Video])

PermalinkCommentsgame video-game video

Herpderpedia, A Collection of Tweets by People Freaking Out About Wikipedia’s SOPA & PIPA Blackout

2012 Jan 18, 4:28PermalinkCommentshumor sopa pipa wikipedia law legal

(via Defend our freedom to share (or why SOPA is a bad idea):...

2012 Jan 18, 3:21

(via Defend our freedom to share (or why SOPA is a bad idea): Clay Shirky on TED.com)

PermalinkCommentsvideo copyright clay-shirky sopa pipa legal politics mpaa ted

(via Hello, A Remix of Lionel Richie’s “Hello” Made Using Film...

2012 Jan 17, 9:51

(via Hello, A Remix of Lionel Richie’s “Hello” Made Using Film Clips)

PermalinkCommentshumor music video film remix mashup hello

Copyright King: Why the "I Have a Dream" Speech Still Isn't Free (vice.com)

2012 Jan 17, 9:37

There’s weird stuff you’d think is public domain but isn’t including Martin Luther King Jr.‘s “I Have a Dream” speech. FTA: ”If you want to watch the whole thing, legally, you’ll need to get the $20 DVD.

That’s because the King estate, and, as of 2009, the British music publishing conglomerate EMI Publishing, owns the copyright of the speech and its recorded performance.”

PermalinkCommentscopyright mlk speech public-domain

Alex and glo friend

2012 Jan 17, 4:52


Alex and glo friend

2012 Jan 17, 4:52


Making Love to WebKit

2012 Jan 16, 1:13

A scene-graph implementation in javascript & CSS 3D

PermalinkCommentstechnical css css3d scene-graph javascript

First Ur Problems meme | quickmeme

2012 Jan 16, 12:04PermalinkCommentsgame glitch humor meme

Where the top 100 box office films of 2011 are streaming

2012 Jan 15, 10:44PermalinkCommentsmovies netflix streaming amazon

Musée McCord Museum’s photostream on Flickr.

2012 Jan 15, 10:37

Foot race, Dawson City, YT, about 1900Cricket match, McGill campus, Montreal, QC, about 1890Football game on campus, McGill University, Montreal, QC, about 1900S. S. "Nascopie" at sealing grounds, 1927

Musée McCord Museum’s photostream on Flickr.

PermalinkCommentsphoto old-timey black-and-white history
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