During formalization of the WebFinger protocol [I-D.jones-appsawg-webfinger], much discussion occurred regarding the appropriate URI scheme to include when specifying a user’s account as a web link [RFC5988].
acctURI = “acct:” userpart “@” domainpart
Brief history of Worms and info on the next entry in the series.
(via Classic pro-science-careers music video PSA: Chemical Party)
Xeni says: “The EU wasn’t always so terrible at promoting science careers through funny internet music videos! (thanks, Guido)”
I’ve been following this advice for many years now to the extent that I find myself rewriting text to make linking my nouns easier and shorter.
The one I wasn’t following that seems obvious only after I read it is to keep links towards the end of your text to allow users to follow the link once they’re done reading.
links at the end of the sentence allow users to take action faster
But if Surface is aimed at the OEMs—telling them “we can do this just as well as you can, if we have to”—and setting them a challenge—”your tablets have to be at least this good”—then the limited availability isn’t necessarily such a big deal. As long as the OEMs heed the warning and raise their game, so that Redmond can be assured that bad hardware won’t jeopardized Windows 8’s success, Microsoft could safely keep Surface operating as a small-scale operation, playing the Nexus role without upsetting the PC market.
A series of videos with math profs explaining a specific number (or interesting topic with a contrived connection to a particular number)
Tetris Street Art by Gaffa gallery
Located in Sydney on Abercrombie Lane.
I’d get out of there before they form a horizontal line…
THE Fiddler Book straight from the source, EricLaw - the developer of Fiddler!
Fiddler is a wonderful tool with never ending extensibility. With this book I shall master it!
MAVIS indexes audio and video so you can do text search over the contents. For example search for ‘metro’ in all of the BUILD conference talks.
jQuery plugin that blindly removes lines with errors and recompiles until it works
First Person Tutor is a game about *grading papers*, lock, stock, and two smoking inkwells
Some fun CSS things including the following:
head { display: block; border-bottom: 5px solid red; }
script, style, link { display: block; white-space: pre; font-family: monospace; }
script:before { content: “ ”; }