Chaos Monkey randomly kills your Amazon Web Service VMs increasing the failure rate forcing your web service to deal with it.
Link roundup and summary of Reddit and traditional news coverage of the Aurora shooting.
The U.S. Census Bureau today released a new online service that makes key demographic, socio-economic and housing statistics more accessible than ever before. The Census Bureau’s first-ever public Application Programming Interface (API) allows developers to design Web and mobile apps to explore or learn more about America’s changing population and economy.
One persons quest to watch the Olympics online.
The location requirements (guessed at via IP address) are irritating. The requirement that you have a particular cable subscription to view video online seems like not network neutrality.
Also this related article:
Breakdown of the bytes of a Windows executable in a big old chart!
Eyeo2012 - Robert Hodgin
Robert Hodgin presents various 3D animation projects in a humorous fashion.
Paul Scheer and Adam Scott trolling Comic ConYup…This Happened!
And the video:
Former FireFox developer on the switch to their continuous update cycle.
Oh no, Chrome is doing such-and-such; we’d better do something equivalent or we’ll fall behind! We thought we needed a rapid update process like Chrome. We were jealous of their rapid update capability, which let them deploy improvements to users continuously. We had to “catch up” with Chrome’s updating capability.
Dealing with servicing on IE for years had led me to some of the same thoughts when I heard FireFox was switching to continuous updates.
Kalle Mattson - Water Falls (Official Video) / HYPNO SF (by KalleMattson)
Some wonderful sequences in this video!
How To Make A Video About How To Make A Video About How To Make A Video About How To Make a Video… (by Vihart)
Bookmarklet that lets you drop cartoon style black spherical bombs that send the text on any page flying.
Getting closer to the day I resume my Netflix subscription…