2016 Nov 30, 1:51
Dear gym shower user, Your shower curtain is not just about you. Please close it while showering. Thanks. Sincerely, Everyone else
2016 Nov 30, 1:16
Twitter is 1984 two minutes hate
2016 Nov 20, 2:47 2016 Nov 18, 4:11
@PA_Megacorp I read the title as Couchomancy and imagined a necromancer that summons couches. No one steal my new YA fantasy
novel idea pls
2016 Nov 6, 1:17
@ericlaw Very fitting for the show but... those serifs. Aspects of 80s aesthetic I can do without include: wood paneling on
cars, that font.
2016 Nov 4, 4:08 2016 Nov 4, 4:05 2016 Nov 4, 1:48
@JenMsft Your tip weets should show as toasts for all win10 users
2016 Nov 3, 3:59
@FakeUnicode Spaces are technically not allowed in a URI so the only reasonable representation is percent encoded.
2016 Nov 3, 3:58
@FakeUnicode Reserved characters including brackets change meaning when decoded or encoded and so UA must not change those
2016 Nov 3, 3:57 2016 Nov 2, 1:16
@osterman @ericlaw 'CLR cooks' I assume means you get the .NET projection of the WinRT
APIs? That's good enough for most of my purposes.
2016 Nov 2, 9:30