2011 Jan 23, 4:49Sysinternals Mark Russinovich writes a novel (fiction) and gets a Bill Gates blurb for the cover: “Mark came to Microsoft in 2006 to help advance the state of the art of Windows, now in his latest
compelling creation he is raising awareness of the all too real threat of cyberterrorism.” —Bill Gates
book security microsoft sysinternals mark-russinovich novel fiction technical 2011 Jan 23, 3:26Personal photos from the Back to the Future set during filming taken by a Universal security guard.
photos bttf backtothefuture movies 2011 Jan 19, 7:45I always wondered how easy it would be to hack the key fobs. Now we know...
security hack car technical 2011 Jan 4, 7:25How to take ownership and re-ACL registry keys from a powershell prompt.
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