2011 Sep 20, 7:17There's no race between posting to a web worker and the web worker setting up its message handler as long as the web worker sets its message handler in the first sync. block of code that runs in the
web worker: "Basically, once the initial worker script returns, the worker's port is enabled and the normal message port event delivery mechanism kicks in (including dropping unhandled messages on
the floor)."technicalweb-workerwebbrowserprogrammingpostMessage
2011 Sep 19, 12:53Counter intuitive argument for not making the larger fix: "Should we fix them all preemptively, meaning the next time they block us it will be through some more complex mechanism that's harder to
figure out? Or should we leave things as they are, knowing there will be more blocking events but also knowing that we can solve them easily?"torcensorshipgovernmentirantechnical
2011 Aug 6, 1:53Description of the inner workings of both of Window's TLS options, the Win32 APIs like TlsAlloc as well as __declspec(thread). I didn't know that the max number of TLS indices is now 1088.blogprogrammingdevelopmentwindowsdebugtlsthread-local-storage
2011 Jul 27, 10:33The write-progress command in powershell allows scripts to express their progress in terms of percent or time left and powershell displays this in a friendly manner at the top of my window.
Surprisingly, not hooked up to the Shell's TaskbarItemInfo's progress.technicalpowershellprogresscodingshell
2011 Jul 26, 10:00Opera has stats on what an 'average' web page looks like it in terms of HTML elemenets and attributes used etc.webdevelopmenthtmlstatisticstechnicalopera
2011 Jul 18, 2:38Neat idea: "When the user wants to visit a blacklisted site, the client establishes an encrypted HTTPS connection to a non-blacklisted web server outside the censor’s network, which could be a normal
site that the user regularly visits... The client secretly marks the connection as a Telex request by inserting a cryptographic tag into the headers. We construct this tag using a mechanism called
public-key steganography... As the connection travels over the Internet en route to the non-blacklisted site, it passes through routers at various ISPs in the core of the network. We envision that
some of these ISPs would deploy equipment we call Telex stations."internetsecuritytoolscensorshiptechnical
2011 Jul 14, 7:34A bookmarklet to help you create an appcache manifest: "...click the manifestR button, and it will create an HTML5 appcache manifest file for that page."developmentjavascripttoolshtml5cachetechnical
2011 Jul 13, 5:48Like the big red button that doesn't do anything but better "because it is slightly cheaper, and because it has the words "DON'T PANIC" in large, friendly letters on the cover"humorinternetweb
2011 Jul 6, 7:28"Over this past Fourth Of July weekend, we neglected to note that it was the 15th anniversary of Roland Emmerich’s 1996 blockbuster Independence Day. New York comedian Sean Kleier remembered, and
decided to make his own tribute, going to various locations around New York City—Times Square, the Brooklyn Bridge, the subway, and inside a Victoria’s Secret—reciting Bill Pullman’s rousing speech
before the movie's final battle sequence, megaphone and all." humorvideobill-pullmanindependence-daynew-york
2011 Jul 1, 10:17"A method for obscuring location information is described. Both static and changing location information can be obscured. A single distance measure is input to the process; this parameter controls
the precision of location information that can be extracted by a recipient."geolocgeolocationtechnicalrfcstandardreference
2011 Jul 1, 10:15"This specification defines the canonical link relation -- an element which designates the preferred version of content/URI from a set of duplicate or near duplicate pages."linkuriurlhtmlreltechnicalstandardrfccanonical