Chris Hardwick as half of Hard'n Phrim does Rodeohead -- its a bluegrass medley of Radiohead songs sort of in the style of Weird Al's polka medleys. And "it’s not on iTunes for licensing reasons so
please take it for free if you don’t already have it."
2010 Jun 1, 6:46"Metalink describes download locations (mirrors), cryptographic hashes, and other information. Clients can transparently use this information to reliably transfer files."technicalinternetdownloadweburlxmlmetalink
2010 May 24, 6:29Installable web apps makes total sense given the Google Chrome OS: "An installable web app is a normal web site with a bit of extra metadata. You build and deploy this app exactly as you would build
and deploy any web app, using any server-side or client-side technologies you like. The only thing that is different about an installable web app is how the app is packaged."technicalwebbrowserwebappgooglechrome
2010 May 24, 6:26"What You See is What They Get: Protecting users from unwanted use of microphones, cameras, and other sensors," by Jon Howell and Stuart Schechter.
"We introduce the sensor-access widget, a graphical user interface element that resides within an application's display. The widget provides an animated representation of the personal data being
collected by its corresponding sensor, calling attention to the application's attempt to collect the data."
2010 May 23, 4:32"The ability to detect visitors' browsing history requires just a few lines of code. Armed with a list of websites to check for, a malicious webmaster can scan over 25 thousand links per second (1.5
million links per minute) in almost every recent browser."technicalprivacysecuritywebbrowser
2010 May 19, 7:17A creative-commons released comedy album. Heard him on the Nerdist podcast where he played live several of the songs you'd imagine someone having a tough time playing live. Humorous and is that Weird
Al I hear in Street Meat?musichumormike-phirmancccreativecommons
2010 May 14, 9:37New York Times article from May 15th 1910 titled "MEMBERS OF THE SUPREME COURT AS HUMAN BEINGS: When Not on the Bench They Are Pretty Much Like Other People — Characteristic Stores About Them". This
is the NYT 1910's version of US Weekly's current "Celebrities Are Just Like Us!" feature.humorhistoryarticlesupreme-court
2010 May 14, 8:52It really is an actual quote from the Sacramento Credit Union's website: "The answers to your Security Questions are case sensitive and cannot contain special characters like an apostrophe, or the
words “insert,” “delete,” “drop,” “update,” “null,” or “select.”"
Out of context that seems hilarious, but if you read the doc the next Q/A twists it like a defense in depth rather than a 'there-I-fixed-it'.technicalsecurityhumorsql
2010 May 10, 8:59Iggy Pop interviews Shepard Fairey, including his Obama HOPE poster and AP lawsuit:
"... but the American public is generally pretty superficial, so an image like that just allows them to project whatever limited idea they have onto it. Obviously, not everyone is like that—I
actually think there were a lot of people who were bummed by the image because they felt it was shallow propaganda."
"If I spend time conceiving and making a piece of art and somebody else sees that it has market value and replicates it in order to steal part of my market, then that’s not cool. But the way I make
art—the way a lot of people make art—is as an extension of language and communication, where references are incredibly important. It’s about making a work that is inspired by something preexisting
but changes it to have a new value and meaning that doesn’t in any way take away from the original—and, in fact, might provide the original with a second life or a new audience." artlegallawipshepard-faireyobeyinterview
2010 May 10, 8:43Charles Stross on the intersection of ebooks and the publishing industry. Includes the answer to the misinformed question "why are you charging so much for access to the file your authors emailed
you?" Also includes this quote on Cory Doctorow "... Cory is a Special Snowflake with EFF superpowers and New York Times Bestseller mojo which make him immune to the normal laws of man and nature."charles-strosscory-doctorowebookdrmamazonpublishingkindleapplebook
2010 May 10, 7:23"Kevin Frei - Exception Hanlding Cost September 2006 meeting of the Northwest C++ Users Group. Discussion of the assembly language cost of exception handling on the x86 Windows and x64 Windows
2010 May 6, 7:25Another subset of javascript and DOM access to make a sandbox: "FBJS is Facebook's solution for developers who want to use JavaScript in their Facebook applications. We built FBJS to empower
developers with all the functionality they need, and to protect our users' privacy at the same time."sandboxwebbrowserfacebookhtmljavascripttechnicalsecurityweb-sandbox