2011 Sep 20, 7:17There's no race between posting to a web worker and the web worker setting up its message handler as long as the web worker sets its message handler in the first sync. block of code that runs in the
web worker: "Basically, once the initial worker script returns, the worker's port is enabled and the normal message port event delivery mechanism kicks in (including dropping unhandled messages on
the floor)."technicalweb-workerwebbrowserprogrammingpostMessage
As it turns out the WPAD Server Fiddler Extension I made a while back actually has a non-malicious purpose. Apparently its useful for debugging HTTP on the WP7
phone (or so I'm told). Anyway I took some requests and I've fixed a few minor bugs (start button not updating correctly), changed the dialog to be a Fiddler tab so you can use it non-modally, and
the WPAD server is now always off when Fiddler starts.
2010 Dec 6, 12:17Ye olde DoS: "The Berners Street Hoax was perpetrated by Theodore Hook in the City of Westminster, London, in 1809. Hook had made a bet with his friend, Samuel Beazley, that he could transform any
house in London into the most talked-about address in a week, which he achieved by sending out thousands of letters in the name of Mrs Tottenham, who lived at 54 Berners Street, requesting
deliveries, visitors, and assistance."humorhistoryprank
2010 Sep 4, 8:10"Reminiscent of the Beastie Boys "Awesome; I Fuckin'Shot That", more than 50 Radiohead fans captured the band's Aug. 23 show in Prague on Flip cameras, with the resulting footage later assembled into
the new Live In Praha DVD." radioheadmusicvideoyoutube
2010 May 19, 7:17A creative-commons released comedy album. Heard him on the Nerdist podcast where he played live several of the songs you'd imagine someone having a tough time playing live. Humorous and is that Weird
Al I hear in Street Meat?musichumormike-phirmancccreativecommons
2010 May 6, 7:16"Today web gadgets, mashup components, advertisements, and other 3rd party content on websites either run with full trust alongside your content or are isolated inside of IFrames. As a result, many
modern web applications are intrinsically insecure, often with unpredictable service quality. Live Labs Web Sandbox addresses this problem."webbrowserweb-sandboxtechnicaljavascripthtmlwindowslivesecuritysandboxmicrosoftsilverlight
2010 Apr 21, 6:53"Lindsey Simon has got a powerful update to BrowserScope, the community-driven tool to test and profile browsers. The new feature is exciting as it truly delivers the “community-driven” piece at
scale: you can now add your own tests to the corpus, TestSwarm style."webbrowsertestgooglebrowser-scopeinternettechnical
2010 Mar 21, 6:06Ben Folds sings to folks on Chatroulette during a concert. This is the best use of Chatroulette yet although I can only imagine this really working for Ben Folds concerts or They Might Be Giants
2010 Mar 5, 2:54LiveJournal replaces affiliate links with their own... Between this and not being able to stick in videos, script, etc maybe its time to switch blogging sites...bloglivejournaltechnical
I'm making a switch from the IE team to the Windows team where I'll be working on the next version of Windows. As a going away surprise Jen and Nick added me to my gallery of Bill Gates (discussed previously). Here's a close up of the photoshopped cover.