2007 Jan 24, 5:32My new extension for IE7 named
Feed Folder is now (more) available. Feed Folder is like Firefox's
Live Bookmarks feature. You can view your subscribed IE7 feeds as a folder containing shortcuts to each of the feed's items. If you've got Windows
XP and you like Feeds then use my extension with IE7. Do it now!
feed-folder feed live-bookmarks ie7 technical project atom rss extension 2007 Jan 19, 9:15I've moved my homepage to server-side scripting. Previously I've mentioned that
I was using client side scripting to interpret and sort my
livejournal and delicious entries together. Now I'm using
PHP and
XSLTs to process and sort my livejournal,
delicious, flickr, and librarything entries. See
my homepage for the finished result.
LibraryThing is pretty cool despite being pretty niche. Its like flickr but for books. I display a random sampling of the covers of books I have listed in
librarything on my page. I've also hooked the display of the covers of my book up to the corner image. Now when you hover over the cover of a book a bigger picture of its cover appears in the corner
of the webpage. Also, flickr entries in the main section how have the same on hover behavior.
This may not be the best use of my time, but its still fun.
librarything xslt delicious homepage flickr technical php livejournal script 2006 Nov 28, 3:24GRDDL is a mechanism for Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages. It is a technique for obtaining RDF data from XML documents and in particular XHTML pages. Authors may explicitly
associate documents with transformation algorithms, typic
reference w3c web xml rdf metadata grddl semanticweb 2006 Jul 31, 12:14Neal Stephenson + Technological Singularity
books scifi free book fiction 2005 Dec 29, 3:15The National Institute of Standards and Technology's Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures, including some implementation
reference development algorithm software tools dictionary search 2005 Nov 30, 3:50These statements of architectural principle explain the thinking behind the specifications. These are personal notes by Tim Berners-Lee: they are not endorsed by W3C. They are aimed at the technical
community, to explain reasons, provide a framework to pr
development http html uri internet design w3c architecture web tim-berners-lee reference semanticweb rdf 2005 Oct 10, 11:31Unicode Security Considerations (Unicode Technical Report)
unicode security reference internet idna 2004 Apr 22, 3:52I actually have something to say which I thought would be appropriate for the LiveJournal format. Why I haven't posted to the LiveJournal for such a great length of time can be saved for later. I
spent Easter weekend and the Monday following, in Washington, the state. Microsoft paid for me to fly up and stay in Washington so I could do the technical portion of the interview with them. I hung
out with my friend Jeannie and she showed me all around Seattle on Saturday and Sunday. Each night we had somewhat expensive dinners, all paid for by Microsoft. It was cool. On Sunday I stayed at a
nice hotel in Redmond and the next morning I spent just short of eight hours being interviewed by five different people from different groups within Microsoft. Each sub interview consisted of two
portions. First there was the general portion where they would ask me why I wanted to work there, ask about my previous experience, and those sort of non technical questions. The second portion would
take the majority of the time and it would be me trying to solve some technical problem they'd present. By the end of the interview my hands were gray with dry erase marker ink because apparently
everybody's got a whiteboard and they all want me to write code on them. I have to go to class soon and I might post some more stories related to this trip, but mostly I wanted to say that last week
I received a great offer from them and I'll probably be moving up to Washington sometime (weeks or months?) after graduation. Also, I've changed my AIM name from SequelGuy to SequelDave. My email
address will also have to change soon, but I don't know to what it will change.
2003 Mar 1, 5:22Today will produce the Mardi Gras parade in my town. I haven't been the previous two years, but I'm considering it this time around. San Luis Obispo, as a college town, contains many teens and young
adults who enjoy occasional festivities accompanied with inebriation. San Luis Obispo, as relatively cheap beach front or at least near beach property, contains many vacationing elderly. As we all
know, voting increases proportionally with age and, as such, any person under the age of thirty in public after dark is arrested. Mardi Gras is yet another of the bouts in the battle between the
Youngsters and the Old-timers in the SLO ring. I will be very happy when this quarter is over. Chemistry may yet have a happy ending, but I don't know that Technical Writing can. I don't believe any
grade in that class would make me think, "I'm glad I spent all those weekends working on that report". The quarter's end will also mean I can devote some time to my attention starved
Polytope Tetris project. As a side note, I was tempted to, yet again, not write in the journal on account of my poor attitude tonight. However, a journal
of one entry does seems a bit slim.