I enjoy Glitch as a game of exploration: exploring the game's lands with hidden and secret rooms, and exploring the games skills and game mechanics. The issue with my enjoyment coming from
exploration is that after I've explored all streets and learned all skills I've got nothing left to do. But I've found that even after that I can have fun writing client side JavaScript against
Glitch's web APIs making tools (I work on the Glitch Helperator) for use in Glitch. And
on a semi-regular basis they add new features reviving my interest in the game itself.
2011 Jul 10, 5:49"The ‘analog dollars to digital dimes’ problem doesn’t actually seem to be a problem. It seems to be a feature of reality. Digital revenue per head is not replacing lost print revenue and, barring
some astonishment in the advertising market, it never will."newsmediajournalismclay-shirky
2011 Jun 20, 2:25I knew it was a game but still felt bad war-dialing and otherwise messing around in there. What if I accidentally find a way out? "Telehack is the most interesting game I've played in the last
year... a game that most users won't realize is a game at all. It's a tour de force hack — an interactive pastiche of 1980s computer history, tying together public archives of Usenet newsgroups, BBS
textfiles, software archives, and historical computer networks into a multiplayer adventure game." Also, see all the accounts of people finding their teenage selves in the game.internettechnicaldevelopmenthacktelnetwardialgame
2011 Jun 5, 4:57"ViewText.org is a service provided to make reading content on the web easier, faster, and safer by extracting the main article content from news items, blog posts, RSS feeds, and PDF's." Includes
API to extract the article text!internetwebarticlehtmltextapitechnical
2011 May 30, 3:13"We covered the Newstweek, a wall-wart sized box that injects fake news stories over public WiFi connections last February, but now there’s a great walk through and it seems our doubts about this
project were disproved."securityjournalismwifihacktechnical
2011 Mar 10, 6:14Polar bears destroy hiddern cameras (filming them for Science!) It is a well known fact that polar bears are very protective of their rights to privacy. videosciencenatureanimalsbbchumor
2010 Sep 8, 2:16'Following a news update on the depopulation of honeybees across North America and much of the world, it suddenly dawned on local bank teller Keith Orlander Tuesday that he, personally, was
responsible for the dramatic and theretofore unexplained disappearance of the insects. "Boy, come to think of it, I guess I have been killing millions of bees lately,"'beebeeshumoronion
2010 Sep 4, 8:10"Reminiscent of the Beastie Boys "Awesome; I Fuckin'Shot That", more than 50 Radiohead fans captured the band's Aug. 23 show in Prague on Flip cameras, with the resulting footage later assembled into
the new Live In Praha DVD." radioheadmusicvideoyoutube