2011 Apr 8, 2:07"On average their method gets to within 690 metres of the target and can be as close as 100 metres – good enough to identify the target computer's location to within a few streets.", "When a landmark
machine and the target computer have shared a router, the researchers can compare how long a packet takes to reach each machine from the router; converted into an estimate of distance, this time
difference narrows the search down further."technicalinternetprivacygeogeolocationsecurity
For a new project I'm working on involving IE's installed Accelerators and OpenSearch search providers via the Windows 7
Accelerator Platform, I've created a C#/COM interop class for those APIs.
2010 Aug 4, 2:29Using games for good! Foldit players are solving real biochemistry problems. "Scientists have turned to games for a variety of reasons, having studied virtual epidemics and tracked online communities
and behavior, or simply used games to drum up excitement for the science. But this may be the first time that the gamers played an active role in producing the results, having solved problems in
protein structure through the Foldit game."videogamegamebiologyscienceresearch
2010 Jul 5, 4:23Cross-site scripting attack on YouTube over the weekend: "That turned out to be as simple as using two script tags in a row (<script><script>fun scripting stuff goes here!), as noted by
F-Secure researcher Mikko H. Hypponen on Twitter—the first of the two tags would get stripped, and the second was allowed through."technicalyoutubesecuritycross-site-scriptingjavascript
2010 May 24, 6:26"What You See is What They Get: Protecting users from unwanted use of microphones, cameras, and other sensors," by Jon Howell and Stuart Schechter.
"We introduce the sensor-access widget, a graphical user interface element that resides within an application's display. The widget provides an animated representation of the personal data being
collected by its corresponding sensor, calling attention to the application's attempt to collect the data."
2010 Mar 28, 4:29Some interesting queries for Windows search like size:>50MB, broadcastdate:2005, datetaken:6/12/2006.windowssearchsyntaxwin7howtotechnical