2011 Mar 14, 1:33A great intro to the details of JavaScript for developers familiar with other languages but only a passing knowledge of JavaScript.javascripttutorialprogrammingreferencetechnical
2011 Mar 10, 6:14Polar bears destroy hiddern cameras (filming them for Science!) It is a well known fact that polar bears are very protective of their rights to privacy. videosciencenatureanimalsbbchumor
Also, the movie Moon is really good on a variety of points. Sam Rockwell and the voice of Kevin Spacey! Its
available on Netflix Watch Instantly so you have no excuse!
2011 Jan 23, 4:49Sysinternals Mark Russinovich writes a novel (fiction) and gets a Bill Gates blurb for the cover: “Mark came to Microsoft in 2006 to help advance the state of the art of Windows, now in his latest
compelling creation he is raising awareness of the all too real threat of cyberterrorism.” —Bill Gatesbooksecuritymicrosoftsysinternalsmark-russinovichnovelfictiontechnical
I just found out that I like the group Ratatat. I'd first heard them way back when the Zune was first released as the backing for Los Corazones on the zune-arts.net website.
But I didn't know who they were until today when I watched this Filmography 2010 video (via Kottke)
Until about 1:16 in, the music is Ratatat's Nostrand. On the first viewing it drove me crazy because I could only vaguely recall hearing
something like that music before. I tracked it down via the zune-arts thing above and eventually found my way to the Nostrand video. Funny, all the recent comments on that one are from people who
also just watched the Filmography video.